Professional Development FAQs
Welcome to the Professional Development Frequently Asked Questions page. Included here are some of the most common requests that we receive as a department over the phone or by email.
If you have a query about anything research related then this is the best place to start. For this section we have tried to answer each question as completely as possible, and where we can we have included links to other pages/websites that will give you even more information on that subject.
We understand though that sometimes there is just no substitute for speaking to someone in person, or you need an answer to a question that nobody has ever asked before, so please feel free to contact us if the information below doesn’t quite tell you all you wanted to know.

We promote an open and honest culture here at Walsall and where possible would encourage you to talk directly to the student in the first instance. It is also important to liaise with the qualified staff member looking after the student (assessor/educator), and in some instances, you may need to contact the University and speak to the personal tutor.
At any stage of this process you can always contact one of our clinical academic link tutors for support if needed, the details for who to contact can be found on our ‘About Us’ page.
Training needs should be identified as part of your annual appraisal and then added to your teams Training Needs Analysis by your manager.
All requests should have been identified via your appraisal with your line manager and then submitted via the Trust’s Training Needs Analysis. The TNA is completed by your manager annually and they are sent to your Divisional Director for Nursing, Midwifery or Support Services for review against divisional and organisational priorities. Funding is then allocated based on the budget received from Health Education England and those requests ranked highest.
All information in regards to courses can be found in our course brochure that is available on the PDU home page of our website, if you need further information or help please contact one of the PDU team … you can find all of our details on the About Us page.
All forms need to be signed by your line manager, you DMP and finally by the Trust Lead for Non-Medical Prescribing. The trust leads are Lorna Kelly for acute areas and Jessica Stanley Holmes for community areas. Please contact either Jessica or Lorna to arrange a suitable time to have your form signed.
The trust has a Study Leave policy that sits within the People & OD Directorate. This is currently up for review, but sets out the trusts expectations with regards to study leave and protected learning time.
“It is not the answer that enlightens, but the question.” ― Eugene Ionesco