#WalsallandProud of our maternity services
Mums-to-be are being reminded of all the maternity services being offered in Walsall as staff celebrate an improved CQC rating [...]
Mums-to-be are being reminded of all the maternity services being offered in Walsall as staff celebrate an improved CQC rating [...]
Nicola Wenlock’s days tend to be full of meetings and report writing but she swapped this for a chat over [...]
A team of midwives will be supporting low risk Walsall women and ensuring they see the same midwives throughout their [...]
Midwives, antenatal staff and consultants at Walsall Healthcare have achieved third best in the UK for their efforts at detecting [...]
“I support breastfeeding because it provides a bridge from womb to world, delivering the infant with immunoglobulins tailored to the [...]
Walsall’s Midwifery Led-Unit (MLU) is set to re-open for births this autumn giving women greater birth choices as well as [...]
Whether it’s talking through a mum’s experience of giving birth or working with midwives to cope in challenging situations, Walsall [...]
Pregnant women who want to give birth at Walsall Manor Hospital are being urged to book early with their GP [...]
Elizabeth McDonough is overjoyed at becoming a first time mum, something she never thought she’d achieve. And she credits the [...]
Walsall Healthcare has today launched its Baby Aid charity appeal to help borough mums who need extra support. In a [...]