QI Awards logo 2021 posters

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A21-48 Opiate appropriate? A Pragmatic approach to Quality Improvement for prescribing opiates and laxatives in Hip Fracture Patient CareM. Zioupos / SHO, L. Pickering / ACP, Hossain / ConsultantMSK T&O
A21-33 Delivering Gold Standard Pain Relief for Patients With a Fractured Neck of Femur: Preoperative Fascia Iliaca BlockLeigh Rogers / ED ACP, Louise Pickering T&O ACPEmergency Dept & MSK T&O
A21-42 Virtual Assessment Hub: Co-Production & Quality Improvement for Children in WalsallPhysio, OT, SALT, Paediatrics, SEND teamCommunity Paediatrics
A21-04 Neuroimaging in Suspected Physical Abuse Asif Sheikh (GPST 2), Najma Iqbal (Consultant), Manzar Malik (Consultant)Paediatrics Emergency Dept
A21-46Making ICU Transfers safeDr S. Dhar (Registrar), Dr M. I. Bhatti (Consultant), Dr S. Sharma (Consultant), Dr A.Garg (Consultant)Anaesthetics ICU TACC
A21-58 Confusion Assessment Method for ICU (CAM-ICU)Dr Le Theng Gan/ FY1, Dr Ayomikun Soyombo/ ACCS EM ST2, Dr Atul Garg / Consultant ICU/, Ly Fletcher / SSRICU TACC
A21-11Post take ward round documentation QIP in AMU Walsall HospitalDr Raveendran Shelley/ Lead Consultant Acute Medicine,Dr Khurram Raja/ ST7, Salma bibi /Trust FY2, Alina Abid / TrustFY2, Munsif Adil / Trust FY2Acute Medicine
A21-36 A Pilot training on early onset sepsis risk tool for neonatal and midwifery teamsIntesar Nur / Medical student, Veronika Sabo / Medical student, Hesham Abdalla / Consultant Paediatrician, Pooja Siddhi / Consultant PaediatricianPaediatrics
A21-16 An Audit on Oral Care for Hospitalised Geriatric PatientsA. Bhojwani/ FY2 Doctor, A.AFolabi/ ST Geriatric Doctor, U.Fernando/ Geriatric Consultant, A.Bate/ MatronElderly Medicine Geriatrics
A21-52 Peri-operative care in Wards: A QI Project to help FY DoctorsDr Shivam Dhar (Registrar), Dr Samir Nazir (Consultant), Dr Atul Garg (Consultant)Anaesthetics TACC
A21-60Perioperative Quality Improvement Programme - A National QI projectDr M. Rangaiah (Trust PQIP Lead)Anaesthetics TACC
A21-32 Lung Cancer Quality Improvement ProjectDr K Ibrahim, Dr M Matonhodze, Jayne Powell- Lung Cancer Nursing lead, Matron A Harding, N Boydell - FY2, SHaywood and T Crutchley Care Group Managers, Manjeet Shemar Deputy Medical Director, L Waldron Lead Cancer Nurse, A Fletcher Cancer Service Manager, Charlotte Hill Corporate ServicesRespiratory Medicine
A21-23 Mitigating Risk of Specimen Errors from the Breast theatre Stop Before You PotChelsea New, ODPTheatres TACC
A21-45Improving the ward round process via use of a ward round proformaSima Patel / Junior Doctor, Ghiath Ismayl / Junior DoctorGeneral Surgery
A21-30Ambulatory Pleural ServicesK Ibrahim, N Walker; N Sayeed; L Radjenovic, N Fatlawi, R Ankcorn, S Haywood; T Crutchley;Respiratory Medicine
A21-08 Improving clarity of Frailty Service discharge information by utilising patient experiencesDr E. Bentley / FY2, Dr R. Elsegood / FY2, Dr A. OÕNeill / Consultant GeriatricianFrailty Medicine Geriatrics
A21-49 Oral Comfort at the End of LifeLizzie Walters-Mabbott / Palliative Care Specialist Nurse Practitioner, Pippa Pinches / Speech and Language Therapist / Sarjit Basra / Speech and Language TherapistPalliative Care Community
A21-28 Oxygen October
Oxygen Prescribing at Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust
Catherine Firmstone, Anna Harding, Harjinder Sheemar, Sophie Matthews, Greer Mason Ð Respiratory Team Respiratory Medicine
A21-22 Increasing Student Placement Capacity Through the CLiPP ModelLorna Kelly Associate Director for Research and Professional Development, Victoria Steward Professional Development Coordinator, Amy Jowicz Project Support OfficerFORCE Corporate
A21-69 Rewarding excellence to motivate improvementDr. Atul Garg & QI Awards teamQI Academy Corporate
A21-59 Multidisciplinary simulation, is this the future of training?Krishna Navaneetham / ST5 ICM/AIM registrarICU TACC
A21-56 A Pathway to Better Outcomes ERAS [Enhanced Recovery After Surgery] StepsKate Adams/ERAS CNS, Aninda Chandra/Surgical Lead, Heba Yanny/Anaesthetic Lead, Ginny Hill/Colorectal CNS, Vanessa Silva/Recovery Lead, Donna Hibbert & Shamima Begum/Ward 20A SistersERAS Surgery Anaesthetics Theatres TACC
A21-71 COVID-19 VACCINATION CENTRE COVID-19 Vaccination TeamCOVID-19 vaccination Corporate
A21-55 Changing the practice of NG tube tape for ICU patientsLy Fletcher (SSR ICU)ICU TACC
A21-53 ICU New Starter Initial Document for RNsICU Professional Development Nurses Rachel Jenkins & Mel JonesICU TACC
A21-73Hypothetical Application of Neonatal Early Onset Sepsis Risk
Calculator Part of a Regional PRAM (Paediatric Research Across West Midlands) Audit
Dr Afza Sadiq / Paediatric Trainee, Dr Pooja Siddhi / Neonatal Consultant, Dr Raghu Krishnamurthy/ Neonatal ConsultantPaediatrics & IPC
A21-61 Simulation of human anatomy using Agar AgarDr. Atul Garg (Consultant ICU) Steve WebbICU TACC Simulation
A21-07Incidence of mortality in patients admitted with Traumatic head injuries on a background of anticoagulation and use of simple interventions to reduce morbiditySita Techaboonanake, Nimai Desai, Anitha Muthusami, Mark Reynolds, Lydia de Carvalhoa Keunjae Ahn, Matthew Gawley, Nabeela Malik, Naseem WaraichGeneral Surgery
A21-09Reforming the Handover, Making Obstetric Anaesthesia SAFERDr K Tonks, Dr F Sweeney, Dr J Pick and Dr I BhattiAnaesthetics TACC
A21-10Providing Postnatal Contraception on the Maternity ward, Manor Hospital A National FirstTanya Grainger - Senior Sister, Samantha Brown - Contraception and Sexual Health Nurse, Dr Helena PickeringSexual Health Community
A21-03 Improving Urine Sampling in Elderly Medical InpatientsSarishka Singh FY2, Zaira Abbas MTI, Quratulain Yousuf ST5Elderly Medicine Geriatrics
A21-62 Improving the Diagnosis and Management of Iron Deficiency Anaemia in Pre-operative Patients with Colorectal CancerFred Wyn-Griffiths (FY2), Kate Adams (ERAS CNS), Mandeep Dhanda (Blood Transfusion CNS), Aninda Chandra (Consultant Colorectal Surgeon), Atul Garg (Anaesthetic and ICU Consultant)Surgery & Anaesthetics
A21-29 Overcoming the Challenges of Being an Outlier. A Multidisciplinary Team Approach to Quality Improvement for Hip Fracture Patient Care.M. Zioupos / SHO, L. Pickering / ACP, J. Bannister / Physiotherapist, T. Moores / ConsultantMSK T&O
A21-01Video Calling - Patients Staying In Contact ProjectLisa Meakin - Patient Experience Officer, Amy Badkin Senior Staff Nurse, Aran Patel Ð Medical StudentPatient Experience Team Corporate
A21-64 Reducing Length of Stay post femur fractureLouise Pickering / ACP, Claire Cooper / Senior Sister, Thomas Moores / Consultant, Maria Zioupos / SHO, Josh Bannister / PhysioMSK T&O Trauma
A21-27Non-Invasive Ventilation Unit COVID 19 PandemicDr Kutaeba Ibrahim, Anna Harding, Sarah Haywood Sneha Abraham Respiratory Team,supported by Critical CareRespiratory Medicine
A21-38 Standardising Bedspace Drawers on ICUChantelle Jackson / CSW, Rebecca Adams / SRICU TACC
A21-66 COVID Pandemic: Maintaining Regional Anaesthesia Teaching For TraineesS Birch / CT2, K Tonks / CT2, S Webb / Clinical Skills Technician, D Clarence / ConsultantAnaesthetics TACC Simulation
A21-21 Medicus IT system invaluable tool for service analysisAmy Blakemore/ SSR, Laura Pollitt/ SSR, Angela Dixon/ Matron Aditya Kuravi/ Lead Consultant for CCRTICU TACC
A21-12Delivering Research from afarJoanna Butler, Research Nurse, and Lisa Richardson, Research NurseFORCE Corporate
A21-65 SEE IT, SAY IT and SORT ITS Hussein / SpR, S Birch / CT2, K Adams / Specialist Nurse, S Nazir / ConsultantAnaesthetics TACC
A21-51 ICU lost its QI Huddle boardDr A Garg (Consultant), A Dixon (Matron) L Fletcher (SSR), R Brett (SSR)ICU TACC
A21-02Diagnosing bone metastases in breast cancer Ð CT vs bone scanDr. L Hiddema, Miss. A Muthusami, Mr. P Brookes, Mr. I Kasana, Mr. M GreenBreast Surgery
A21-26 Walsall Specialist Lymphoedema Service Discharge PassportLouise Rooney, Clinical Lead Lymphoedema Lymphoedema service Community
A21-25New Look - Lymphoedema Management PlanLouise Rooney Lymphoedema Clinical Lead Nurse SpecialistLymphoedema service Community
A21-05Introduction of Dedicated Care of Elderly review and Posters to improve Outcomes in Traumatic Brain Injury patients admitted in a DGHNimai Desai, Sita Techaboonanake, Anitha Muthusami, Mark Reynolds, Lydia de Carvalhoa Keunjae Ahn, Matthew Gawley, Nabeela Malik , Naseem WaraichGeneral Surgery
A21-70 Improving a new therapy prescription in COVID-19 ICU; tocilizumab for everyoneM. Abusayed; N. Navaneetham; A. Salama; S. Brooks; S. Ahmed; S. Kumar; A. GargICU TACC
A21-19 Novel model to optimise rhythm management as a one step for patients with early persistent AF: effect on spontaneous resumption of sinus rhythm and cardioversionDr Jaumdally, Dr Walters, Jayne Lewis, Louise Sanbrook, Dr Rimi, Dr Mahmoud, Dr AngCardiology Medicine
A21-43 Preoperative Fasting AuditDr L Gan / FY1, Dr M Rangaiah / Consultant Pain and AnaestheticsAnaesthetics TACC
A21-63ATAIN Avoiding Term Admissions Into Neonatal unitsDr Ashok Karupaiah , Dr Rohini Thapliyal , ANNP Margaret Price , Dr T Mengistu , Dr S Gupta , Midwife Karen ScottPaediatrics & Obstetrics
A21-20 Patient Flow through Chemotherapy WardAmy Turley Chemotherapy Ward Manager, Rose Atkins Lead Pharmacist Cancer Services, John Schneider Cancer Pathway Tracker, Joyce Bradley Head of QIChemotherapy Surgery & Pharmacy
A21-15 Quality of Periapical Radiographs Requested for Orthodontics: An AuditGurpreet Bahia (Dental Core Trainee), Shinal Desai (Specialty Registrar in Orthodontics), Susan White (Plain Film Radiology Lead), Aliza Jesani (Consultant in Orthodontics)Orthodontics Surgery & Radiology
A21-57 Collaborative Solutions to a Black Swan EventSeb SmithÐCox: Workforce Planning & Intelligence Lead, HR Operations / Learning & Development / ESR Team, Caroline Mansell: ChildrenÕs Care Group Manager, CommunityWorkforce Intelligence Corporate
A21-44 QI Training and COVID-19Joyce Bradley, Head of QI. Tom Johnson, QI Programme LeadQI Academy Corporate
A21-13 Evaluation of orthodontic patient experience during the COVID 19 pandemicAliza Jesani (Consultant in Orthodontics), Shinal Desai (Specialty Registrar in Orthodontics)Orthodontics Surgery
A21-34 Innovation to Service DeliveryKaren Bendall (Staff Engagement & Workforce Training Manager), Wendy Petty (Workforce Training Team Leader & Resus Administra tor) Linda Nicholls (Workforce Training Administrator), Angela Jones (Workforce Training Administrator), Cara Fraser Staff Engagement & Workforce Training Administrator), Scott Mason (E-Learning Developer)Learning and Development & Workforce Training
A21-54 Clinical Academic Link Tutor role within ResearchAmber Jones, Sarah Calloway, Kay Wilson- Clinical Academic Link TutorsFORCE Corporate
A21-24 Moving from Chaos to Calm in Antenatal ClinicsDonna Perkins - Antenatal Clinic Manager, Tigist Mengistu - O&G Consultant, Joyce Bradley - Head of Quality ImprovementAntenatal clinic Obstetrics
A21-72 Comparison of point of care (DNA-Nudge) vs lab based (Cepheid Xpert) RT-PCR testing in preventing the number of SARS-CoV-2 outbreaks within hospital inpatient wards and reducing hospital bed days lostDr Adam Clements (BSc,MBBD), Dr Aiden Plant (FRCPath, RCPathME)Microbiology & IPC Medicine
A21-40 Home grown QI Project Registry saves £10,000sTom Johnson, QI Programme Lead / Richard Pearson, Chief Information OfficerQILT Corporate
A21-17 Integrated Front Door ServiceKirsty Donaldson Community Lead Nurse, Kerry Sansara Community Front Door Nurse, Linda Roberts Community Front Door NurseIntegrated assessment hub Community
A21-39 A Qualitative Assessment of ReSPECT forms on Care of Elderly Wards at WMHDr Sarah Ahmed (FY1), Dr Jawad Ali (ST6), Dr Ahmed Abras (Consultant)Elderly Medicine Geriatrics
A21-31 Pulmonary Nodule PathwayM Matonhodze, K Ibrahim, N Sayeed, S Nadeem, J Powell, N Walker, L Radjenovic, T Crutchley, S HaywoodRespiratory Medicine
A21-67Homeless PathwaySasikala Ravikumar,Tamil Mohanlal, Matron Anna Harding, Dr Nadia SayeedTB Respiratory Medicine
A21-47The Ask EARL ProjectAndrew Foot / ED Consultant, Benjamin McWalter / Senior ACP, Leigh Rogers / Senior ACPEmergency Dept
A21-41 YouTube Videos to Support Home Rehabilitation in Stroke SurvivorsEve Littler / Assistant Practitioner & Heidi Worley / PhysiotherapistCannock Stroke Team Community
A21-18Impact of Research in a Global PandemicJulie Fletcher, Research Facilitator, Ben Jones, Pharmacy Technician, Liam Botfield, Clinical Trials AssistantFORCE Corporate
A21-68 HIV SOP within WMH ITU ImplementationDr Simon Hiou (ITU Staff Grade), Dr Adi Kuravi (ITU Clinical Director)ICU TACC
A21-06Introduction of Traumatic Head Injury Checklist and Proforma to improve Interhospital CommunicationAnitha Muthusami, Nimai Desai, Sita Techaboonanake, Mark Reynolds, Lydia de Carvalhoa Keunjae Ahn, Matthew Gawley, Nabeela Malik, Naseem WaraichGeneral Surgery
A21-50 A DKA registry for the West Midlands - Monthly feedback provision for quality improvementDr Catherine Cooper Ð F1, Dr Megan Owen Ð F1, Dr Senthil-Kumar Ð diabetes & endocrinology consultantEndocrine Medicine
A21-37 Improving Prompt Mobilisation post femur fractureJosh Bannister / Physiotherapist, Louise Pickering / ACP, Thomas Moores / Orthopaedic Consultant, Maria Zioupos / SHOMSK T&O
A21-35 Optimizing Management of Mother and infant at high risk of Hepatitis CDr Amanda Thompson ST8 Paediatrics, Dr Pooja Siddhi Paediatric Consultant, Dr Aiden Plant Consultant MicrobiologistPaediatrics
A21-14 Development of a Virtual Research Assistant - Alexa for ResearchFaculty of Research and Clinical EducationFORCE Corporate
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