Equipment Loan Service

This service is available to staff of Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust. To loan equipment (for work purposes), you must:

  1. Be a registered library member. You can register using the online form.
  2. Complete a loan agreement form countersigned by your authorising manager (budget holder). This is required the first time you borrow equipment and resubmitted if your manager changes.
  3. Equipment can be loaned for up to 1 week (subject to availability).
  • Any equipment borrowed must be collected/returned between 09:00 and 17:00 Monday to Friday.
  • Failure to collect equipment by the specified date of collection will result in cancellation of the reservation.
  • For a demonstration on using the equipment, contact the library team on 01922 656628.
  • Your responsibilities as a borrow including full terms conditions are available on this webpage.
  • View the equipment loan catalogue.

Your responsibilities

  • Ensure equipment is stored safely when not in use.
  • Borrowers will accept full responsibility for loss or damage to the equipment on loan.
  • Full replacement costs will be charged to the department.
  • Lost or stolen equipment should be reported to the Library Manager.
  • Ensure equipment is returned complete and in working order by return date. Equipment not returned by the due date will incur a fine of £2.00 per day, up to a maximum of £50 per item including any administrative charges following which the department will be liable for the full replacement.
  • The equipment must only be used for work that is appropriate to the borrower’s personal professional development or work related matters. Personal or identifiable data should not be kept on the device, including attaching a password to the device.
  • Borrowers should be aware when using the internet that only authorized/appropriate sites must be visited. Infringement may result in revocation of library membership and disciplinary action.
  • Any information on the devices when returned will be deleted and not be recoverable.
  • Laptops are not supplied with memory sticks. In accordance with Trust policy, all memory sticks must be encrypted to a Trust approved standard. Failure to do so may result in damage to the equipment and loss of data.

Terms and Conditions

  • Library staff reserve the right to refuse the loan of equipment, for example, the borrower has outstanding items on loan or has a history of returning items late.
  • The equipment remains the property of Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust at all times.
  • The borrower and Authorising Manager (Budget Holder) must sign to accept all the conditions of the loan agreement before any equipment can be borrowed.

Equipment Booking Form

  • DD slash MM slash YYYY
  • DD slash MM slash YYYY
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.