Update Your Knowledge
Update Your Knowledge training is free to all Trust staff and students. Training sessions focus on developing the skills you need to search for and use evidence in your role.
Format of delivery; 1-2-1, e-Learning and bespoke training for teams.
Finding Evidence (1-2-1)
- Introduction to healthcare databases
- Understanding PICO to define your question
- Student support for your assignment/course work
- Evidence support for Quality Improvement projects
- Support in planning systematic review
To request a session, please contact the library team.
e-Learning modules
You can update your information skills independently and at your own pace. Use your NHS OpenAthens account to access the modules.
- Literature Searching covers concepts you need to know when searching databases
- Critically Appraising the evidence base covers concepts you need to know when appraising a paper
- Health Literacy providing you with the tools to effectively communicate with your patients
Bespoke training for groups
You can request a bespoke information skills session for your team. A minimum of 6 candidates are required for group training. Courses can be tailored as required.
- Finding Evidence An introduction to the healthcare databases available and the techniques needed to search them. Course description.
To request a session, please contact the library team providing further details about your training request.