More about our service

The service is currently comprised of   7 qualified Occupational Therapist’s  (OT’S) and are registered with the Health and Care Professions Council ( . We are also fantastically supported by our Occupational Therapy Technician.

We work with children and young people who have difficulties or a disability which impacts upon their daily participation in activities. Occupational Therapists help children and young people to carry out activities they need or want to do in areas of self-care skills, school or nursery  and play/leisure . If a child or young person has learning, sensory or physical difficulties, their ability to grow, learn, socialise and play can be compromised.

We see and offer advice and support to children and young people who may have specific conditions in areas of co-ordination, visual perceptual, seating difficulties, handwriting, sensory processing difficulties or have a physical disability which impacts upon their daily life skills. Often when their skills are below that of their overall developmental level.

During the assessment, intervention or  review process we often analyse areas including bilateral integration skills (using both hands together), manual dexterity along with fine and gross motor skills (handwriting, scissor skills, self-care, balance, ball skills and hand-eye co-ordination) along sensory processing diffiulcties. All these areas often affect a child’s occupational performance at school, home or during leisure activities

We works as part of a multi-agency team (MDT) which includes paediatricians, physiotherapists, speech and language therapists,  health visitors  and the early years team who provide support and education on occupational therapy issues.

We often refer and liaises with several other services including Walsall wheelchair services, Outreach @ Lindens Primary School, Podiatry, School Nursing, Social Care Occupational Therapy, the education department and Rushall North star Inclusion Service.