Neonatal Services
Walsall Manor Healthcare Trust – Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
The West Midlands Neonatal Network
The Neonatal Unit at Walsall works as part of the West Midlands Neonatal Network, which is a group of Neonatal Services that work together to ensure that babies receive the best care at each stage of their stay. Sometimes babies must be moved from one hospital to another to receive specialist treatment and care.
There are three levels of Neonatal Units within the NHS:
- Level 3 Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
- Level 1 + 2 Local Neonatal Unit
- Level 1 Special Care Baby Unit
These levels determine what care babies receive, the higher the level the more specialised treatment is given at those hospitals. At Walsall we are a level 2 Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, we work closely with New Cross Hospital as this our Level 3 Neonatal Intensive Care unit for extremely sick baby’s requiring specialised care.

Key Walsall Manor’s local hospital. First priority hospital to transfer to.
Our Neonatal Unit
Walsall Neonatal Unit is divided into three areas of care: Intensive Care (ITU), High Dependency Care (HDU) and Special Care (SCU).
Intensive Care (ITU) and High Dependency Care (HDU)
In these rooms we care for babies who are very small, premature, and term babies who are unwell and need close observation. Majority of the babies in ITU and HDU will be looked after in an incubator and are often attached to a monitor for close observation, breathing equipment, nutritional support, temperature control support and other specialised treatment Once your baby no longer requires ITU and HDU care they may be moved to Special Care (SCU).

In these rooms some babies may still need to be in an incubator but are often nursed in a cot. Babies may need some oxygen therapy, drug therapy, temperature control, feeding and growth intervention or for close observation.

Babies will be cared for by specially trained Neonatal Nurses and Medical team. Babies are cared for 24 hours a day and parents are supported to care for their baby and be involved in all aspects of care.
At Walsall Neonatal Unit we create a nurturing environment to support and encourage parents to be involved in all aspects of their baby’s care. The nurses will teach, support, provide reassurance and knowledge for parents care for their baby.

Breast Feeding
We encourage all mothers to breastfeed their baby. Breast milk is the best food for babies, and breast feeding improves bonding with baby and can reduce the length of stay on the Neonatal Unit. We have a Baby Friendly Lead nurse on the Neonatal Unit of whom can offer support, teaching and practical skills for breast feeding. There is also an Infant Feeding Team available through Maternity services for additional Breastfeeding support Monday- Friday 9am-5pm.

Parents Facilities
We have the following facilities available for parents whilst their baby is being cared for on the Neonatal Unit:
Accommodation: We have a single flat for 1 parent, and a double flat for 2 parents to stay during their baby’s admission. These rooms are prioritised for parents of extremely sick babies, otherwise they can be used to promote bonding, breastfeeding and to be close to baby. The They have sofa beds, TV and a cot space. We also have 2 small bedrooms in Special care allowing parents to stay overnight. Every bedspace on the unit has a reclining chaor to allow parents to sleep cot side with their baby.
Lounge and Dining area: The flats are also used a “Parents Lounge” when not in use for accommodation. We have a small kitchen with hot/cold drink facilities and a microwave. We also have a dining area where parents can eat/drink and information leaflets and posters are displayed.
Going Home
The Neonatal Nursing team can help parents plan and prepare for going home by teaching parent craft such as:
- Getting baby into a routine
- Purchasing equipment to care for baby
- Bathing baby
- Temperature control and clothing
- Car seat care
- Recognising the signs of illness in baby
- Breast feeding support
- Safe sleeping and reducing the risk for Sudden Infant Death
- Basic life support
- How to deal with a choking child (for older children)
- Local signposting to health and Well-being lifestyle support
- Places to refer to in case of an emergency

Neonatal Outreach Support
The Neonatal Community Outreach Team (NCOT) is a team of Neonatal Nurses who provide nursing care and support for babies and their families after discharge at home from the Neonatal Unit.
NCOT will support you in preparing to take your baby home. This includes:
- Providing information and training on what you need to get ready for home
- Give you contact details to discuss any concerns after discharge
- What to expect at the next visit or phone call from NCOT
- Facilitate early discharge
- Provide Jaundice care
- Support breast feeding
- Support tube feeding babies and their families at home
- Monitoring of Nutrition and Growth
- Consultant referrals for those who may have short term nursing and medical needs
- Provide support and training to parents of babies with more complex needs
- Support for oxygen dependent babies and their families with care from Community Paediatric Nurses
- Provide a Neonatal Support Group once a month in the community

Hours of Operation and Visiting
Visiting: Both parents and caregivers have 24-hour access to the Neonatal Unit to attend to their baby. When parents and caregivers are unable to visit the unit to see their baby, they can enquire about their baby’s care by telephone.
Parents are given a Welcome pack with all the information that they need, and tours can be arranged through the Family Integrated Care lead nurse.
Family, friends and named visitors can visit the Neonatal Unit, but please check with the Neonatal team about access and times for this. Please limit the number of visitors at the cot side to 2 people, 1 must a parent. Other visitors can wait in the waiting area outside the unit and swap over to see the baby.
Hours of operation: The Neonatal Unit is open 24 hours per day it never closes.
Location and Contact Information
Ward 28
Walsall Manor Hospital
Moat Road
West Midlands
Contact numbers:
The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: 01922 656350 or 01922 656963
The Neonatal Outreach Team can be contacted on 01922 656960
Lisa Poston – Neonatal Intensive Care Matron
Kiran Chatha – Neonatal Outreach Manager
Carole Mee – Neonatal Intensive Care Clinical Educator
Useful Websites – Bliss is a UK-based charity for babies born premature or sick. Bliss supports the families of babies in neonatal care and works with health professionals to provide training and improve care for babies. – The Twins and Multiple Births Association. (Tamba) is a charity set up by parents of twins, triplets and higher multiples and interested professionals. We directly help 10,000s of parents and professionals meet the unique challenges that multiple birth families face. – Sands works to support anyone affected by the death of a baby; improve the care bereaved parents receive; and create a world where fewer babies die. – The National Breastfeeding Helpline offers friendly, non-judgemental, independent, evidence based breastfeeding support and information to anyone in the UK – The UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Initiative enables public services to better support families with feeding and developing close and loving relationships so that all babies get the best possible start in life