Delivery Suite

Walsall Manor Hospital’s Delivery Suite is proud to deliver high quality care for women in labour.

The suite offers eight functional delivery rooms, and all facilities (other than the birthing pool) can be made available for use.

A room is also available for women who require enhanced care in relation to their pregnancy and birth. There are also two emergency theatres providing emergency and planned Caesarean sections (‘C-sections’) with around-the-clock access.

Triage provides emergency direct access for advice and assessment for those seeking advice/support after 20 weeks.

Facilities and birthing aids

A number of birthing aids are available on the Delivery Suite:

  • Birthing cube – complete with a foam mattress that allows freedom of positioning in labour. This can be also be made into a double bedded mattress, allowing for use by both mum and partner.
  • Birthing pool
  • Combi Trac system – a specialised pole with slings/support to enable women support in labour
  • Birthing stools – plastic pre-formed stools with a recess to assist delivery
  • Beanbags – to aid positioning and comfiort in labour
  • Birthing balls – both peanut and circular shaped

Pain relief

Pain relief options include:

  • TENS (Transcuteaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) machines – placed on the lower back to aid pain relief during labour
  • Birthing pool and showers to aid pain relief
  • Drug-based pain relief – Simple analgesia to begin with e.g. paracetamol, Pethidine, Entonox, 24/7 epidural service


As a security measure in addition to the care of our professional team, babies are also tagged at birth, and this tag stays on until they leave the ward.

A ‘rooming in policy’ is in operation meaning that the baby stays with mum at all times.


The service operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Walsall Manor Hospital – Hospital Route 127
Moat Road
West Midlands

Service leads

Carol Hollington, Matron
Leanne O’Flaherty, Delivery Suite Manager

Tel: 01922 656246 / 01922 656283

Women in labour or those requiring emergency or elective C-sections will be looked after by our Delivery Suite team. Speak to your midwife for advice or phone ahead where possible in an emergency.