Integrated Community Equipment Service (ICES)

ICES provides a number of services relating to the storage, loan and adaptation of medical equipment.

This helps prevent patient admission and facilitates patient discharge from bed-based services where possible.

Services include:

  • Delivery and collection of equipment to aid independent living, such as daily living aids including those relating to toileting, bathing, walking and manual handling

  • Loans of profiling beds, profile bed accessories and pressure relief equipment

  • All equipment is provided on a free loan basis and will be collected when no longer required

  • Delivery and fitting of minor aids at the patient’s home address, e.g. grab rails, second stair rails, ramps, and half steps

All services require an assessment and receipt of a request from health or social care prescribers.

8.30am – 4.30pm, Monday to Friday

Unit 5
Electrium Point
Ashmore Lake Way
West Midlands
WV12 4LF

General enquiries, and to arrange deliveries or collections please contact 01922 604960.

Email –

Service lead

Lorraine Scriven, Service Manager
01922 604960

Equipment services and minor adaptations can only be referred by certain health and social care professionals. The only item available via self-referral is a standard static commode.