Accident and Emergency

The Accident and Emergency (A&E) service also known as the Emergency Department,  provides patients with access to high-quality nursing and doctor care.

Although we deal with many severe injuries and accidents, the main proportion of attendees are those with acute and chronic medical conditions and minor injuries and illnesses.

The Accident and Emergency Team see and care for people with:

  • Acute medical and surgical conditions in adults and children

  • Chronic exacerbated long-term conditions

  • Severe injuries/accidents

  • Minor injuries and illnesses

  • Mental health problems

  • Acute gynaecological conditions

The service operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust
Moat Road
West Midlands

Service leads

Lesley Smith – Interim Matron for Accident and Emergency
01922 721172 ext. 6816

Miss Ruchi Joshi – Clinical Director for Emergency and Acute Medicine
01922 721172 ext. 6817/6815

Patients can come to the department themselves or arrive by ambulance.

Are you suffering from a wound, burn, bite, sprain, sports injury, fever, rash?

A&E is not the best place for you. #StayWellWalsall