Update on shoulder surgery review

External Consultants have now completed the investigation into the care received by patients undergoing complex upper limb procedures carried out by Consultant Mr Mian Munawar Shah.

The review was launched in September 2022 in light of concerns that were raised about some procedures carried out by him. In those cases, where it has been found that harm was caused to patients, Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust will continue to offer appropriate clinical treatment as well as support to them and their families. We arranged additional clinic appointments as well as further care for those who need this.

Walsall Healthcare has been supporting patients who have made complaints about treatment they received under Mr Shah. We are no longer accepting new complaints about his practise now that it almost three years since he performed surgery at Walsall Manor Hospital.

Mr Shah is no longer employed by the Trust.

Please download the final report here

Joe Chadwick-Bell, Group Chief Executive of Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust, said: “We want to thank all the patients and families who helped the external consultants to conduct their thorough review into care received by those undergoing complex upper limb procedures carried out by Mr Mian Munawar Shah.

“We appreciate the review may have been a distressing time for patients and we once again sincerely apologise to those patients who were affected by the surgery Mr Shah carried out. We provided support to patients who received poor standards of care and, where relevant, also to their families. As we promised at the time, the review findings regarding patient’s individual care were shared with them first, before the final report being publicly released.

“As detailed in Trust Board papers, a number of actions have been taken to improve clinical governance, safety and oversight, and learning shared with colleagues across the organisation as we continue to deliver high-quality care for all users of our services.”

If you require any further support, please contact our Patient Relations Team on 01922 656463 or pals.officer@nhs.net