Staff, patients and visitors will be able to remember those who have died, support people who are grieving, and connect with each other as the COVID-19 Day of Reflection is marked at two Black Country NHS Trusts.
Hosted by Marie Curie, the National Day of Reflection will be observed across the country this Sunday 9 March, just ahead of the fifth anniversary of the UK’s first COVID-19 lockdown which was announced on 23 March 2020.
Across Walsall Healthcare and The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trusts, a minute’s silence will be observed at 12noon this Friday 7 March with their Chaplaincy Teams available for support.
In Walsall, a short service will be held in the memorial garden at the front of the hospital, opposite its main entrance. In Wolverhampton, a short service will be held in the Heart and Lung Centre’s main atrium.
People will gather from 11.50am.
Reverend Linford Davis, Head of Spiritual, Pastoral and Religious Care (Chaplaincy), said: “The pandemic was such a significant chapter in our recent history and for many people, it changed their lives forever.
“People lost loved ones and colleagues, healthcare, social care and emergency response staff were separated from their own family and friends because of working arrangements at that time. We know so many people were isolated because of lockdown rules – many had to be alone because of risks to their own health too. It was a really difficult period, looking back, and one where the effects will be felt through generations.
“But there were also moments that uplifted us all too. Rediscovering a sense of community is one example I bring to mind when so many generous people wanted to support those working through the pandemic in healthcare settings or simply through acts of kindness towards their own neighbours.
“We will carry our memories for many years to come and this Friday’s services in Walsall, Wolverhampton and Cannock will give us an opportunity to remember the people who died, as well as the staff and families who cared for them in hospital and our community services as we face the future together.”
The Chaplaincy Teams will also be available throughout the day at both Trusts, offering support to anyone who needs it.