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Walsall Connected wins national award

2024-10-23T18:18:16+01:00Wednesday 23 October 2024|
  • PENNA Award win

Walsall Healthcare, Walsall Council and local community sector partners have won a national award for partnership working to help residents gain digital skills and easier access to essential services.

Earlier this month, the organisations were awarded the Partnership Working to Improve the Experience Award at the Patient Experience Network National (PENNA) Awards for their work on Walsall Connected. These awards recognise best practice across all areas of health and social care in the UK and celebrate excellence in patient care.

Walsall Connected is a community-focused initiative providing face-to-face digital support to residents. Launched by Walsall Council in July 2022, Walsall Connected has grown from two centres to a network of 29 incorporating council-owned libraries, community partnerships and other partner organisations across the borough.

In July 2023, a Walsall Connected centre opened at Walsall Manor Hospital, outside the Antenatal Clinic.

Andrew Rice, Head of Patient Voice at Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust, said, “More than 1,000 people have been supported by Walsall Connected in the hospital so far and this includes more than 2,500 with disabilities.

“It has made a real difference to our patients and visitors, and I’d like to thank the staff who run the initiative here for their commitment and compassion.”

Councillor Amandeep Garcha, Portfolio Holder for Resident Access and Housing Support at Walsall Council, said, “This award win reflects the dedication and innovation behind the success of Walsall Connected.

“So far, over 23,000 residents have accessed face-to-face assistance from Walsall Connected and 91% of users reporting successful assistance on their first contact. It’s through partnership working with organisations such as Walsall Manor Hospital that has enabled us to break down the barriers our residents face so they can access the support they need efficiently and effectively.”

Residents who have benefited from Walsall Connected’s services have praised the initiative for providing high quality and accessible support. One said, “It’s great to be able to get help and support from our local community centre. Also, the people who work there are understanding, friendly and very helpful.”

To find out more about Walsall Connected, visit:


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