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Baby loss memorial service

2024-10-11T06:31:26+01:00Wednesday 9 October 2024|
  • Candles at service

A memorial service for those who have experienced pregnancy and baby loss is being held this weekend as Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust plays its part in a national focus.

Baby Loss Awareness Week runs from 9 to 15 October and gives anyone affected by such a loss an opportunity to reflect, remember and reach out. The week culminates in a global Wave of Light on Tuesday 15 October where families across the world can light a candle at 7pm and leave it burning for at least one hour to remember all babies who have died too soon.

In Walsall, a memorial service is being held on Sunday 13 October at 1pm at Pelsall Community Centre in Station Road, organised by hosted by the Trust’s Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care Team and Laura Atkinson, Specialist Bereavement Midwife.

Laura said: “One in two of us is affected by baby loss each year according to Tommy’s, the pregnancy and baby charity, and that loss can often still be felt as deeply many, many years later.

“Our memorial service is a chance for families to have the names of their precious little ones read aloud, in a safe and comforting place, supported by those who want to commemorate the lives of babies who died during pregnancy, at, or soon after, birth, and in infancy.

“We know that such losses are devastating – they leave families with so many emotions, fears and questions. We want to acknowledge these feelings and work with them to learn to live as best they can with this tragedy, whilst never forgetting their longed for babies.”

Walsall Healthcare’s Well Wishers charity is providing special organza bags to families who attend – each has a tea light and sunflower seeds inside.

Supported by Sands UK (Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Charity), Baby Loss Awareness Week aims to drive improvements in policy and bereavement care for anyone affected by the death of a baby.

Laura added: “We held a bereavement event earlier this year, in partnership with The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust and our Maternity and Neonatal Voices Partnerships, and parents bravely shared their stories with us there to help us better shape the support we give following baby loss. It is a painful subject but those who have experienced it can find comfort through others who know exactly how they are feeling.”

The memorial service is open to those with faith and those without. Please email for more information.

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