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Walsall Healthcare hosts its very first Chaplaincy work experience student

2024-08-27T13:51:29+01:00Tuesday 27 August 2024|

A student with aspirations for a future career in Chaplaincy has been able to go on work experience at Walsall Manor Hospital.

Hilman Islam completed a placement with Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust’s Chaplaincy Team and is the first person to do so.

The Jospeh Leckie Academy student said: “I wanted to do work experience in this area as it is something I’ve always been interested in, and I’ve seen some good things myself personally here from this team.”

“I am currently studying an Arabic course as I am training to become a Muslim scholar which takes about eight years to complete. My Arabic teacher, Imam Ahmed Salloo, is actually one of the Muslim Chaplains at the hospital which is how I was able to gain this work experience.”

The 17-year-old added: “Throughout my placement, I have been into both clinical and non-clinical areas, meeting different staff, patients and families and engaging with them. I have also seen other faiths and cultures such as Christian mass. I found it really interesting and enjoyable.

“Being a young person interested in pastoral care, it can sometimes be difficult to gain opportunities in this area as it also requires a level of maturity so I am really grateful to have had this opportunity and I would definitely encourage others who may be interested.

“It also feels good knowing I am the first ever work experience student in Chaplaincy, I feel very privileged.”

Imam Ahmed Salloo, Muslim Chaplain said: “Having someone as young as Hilman who is interested in Chaplaincy services within a hospital setting has been a great pleasure. We hope he is the first of many more youngsters from different faith backgrounds.”

Reverend Linford Davis, Head of Spiritual, Pastoral and Religious Care, said: “It’s great to see a partnership between Chaplaincy and the school. We are keen to develop professional relations and connect with local communities as it brings great opportunities such as this.

“It also sets a precedent that Chaplaincy is not just something to get into later in life or when you retire. It’s an option to get straight into and develop. The role requires not just faith skills but pastoral skills too.”

Cathryn Smith, Team Administrator added: “I have worked in this department for 21 years and in all this time we have never had someone do work experience with us, so it is such an exciting development as students bring a whole new perspective with them.”

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