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Mayoral cars park up for young patients

2024-08-16T14:38:44+01:00Friday 16 August 2024|

His family’s personal experience of the care shown to their seriously ill grandson has driven Walsall’s Mayor to make a popular donation to the Manor Hospital’s Children’s Ward.

Councillor Anthony Harris has kindly donated two push along and two electric cars for young patients to use en route to surgery and treatment.

He and Mayoress Christina came into the hospital to see the new sets of wheels proving a popular tonic, invited through Well Wishers charity which is one of three causes being supported this Mayoral year.

The Mayor’s grandson Daniel was admitted to hospital in Hull at seven months old, after becoming severely ill with meningitis and sepsis.

Under the care of clinicians, he went on to make a full recovery – and despite some initial concerns regarding his hearing, the now two-year-old is healthy and happy.

After seeing the positive impact of paediatric staff throughout his grandson’s care and treatment, he wanted to help hard-working teams at Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust.

He was impressed at how “bright and colourful” the ward was with the different play areas and variety of toys when he visited.

He said: “The cars are brilliant; it’s great seeing them in action and the children smiling and laughing. It’s what I do in the fun fair business – make sure children are able to have some fun!

“As a grandfather to seven, I know that when your little ones are in hospital the stress is unbelievable, but we hope the cars will help to bring some joy during what can be a difficult time.

“The care and attention given to the young patients here at Walsall Manor Hospital is incredible. The team, and Well Wishers, should be very proud of what they’ve done.”

Matt and Heather Lovatt, from Pelsall, were on the ward with daughter Lyla. On her way to have her tonsils removed, the eight-year-old’s journey to Theatre was made more exciting thanks to the new modes of transport.

Mum Heather said: “We have been apprehensive today with the idea of her being put under anaesthetic, and with it being her first time in hospital. I was quite nervous about the whole thing but seeing her smile while riding around in the car, it has definitely made us all feel more relaxed.

Dad Matt added: “It should mean Lyla and other children associate being in hospital with having fun, and that should improve experiences for everyone. It’s a very lovely gesture.”

Two-year old Dollie was another young patient who tried out the new wheels while on her way to have an MRI scan.

Mum Ellen said: “It’s so nice that the children can come here and play with the cars. It can be so hard to keep them entertained while in hospital so something like this is fantastic.

“Dollie’s very lucky to have met the Mayor and Mayoress in hospital!”

Georgie Westley, Fundraising Manager added: “The Mayor is being so supportive of our charity, and we can’t thank him enough for the donations given. It makes such a massive difference to our young patients, and we are thrilled he and the Mayoress were able to see the impact it makes in person.”

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