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New chairs donated to hospice

2024-08-12T16:01:20+01:00Monday 12 August 2024|

Specialist chairs designed to help make hospice patients feel comfortable during their stay have been donated by Walsall Healthcare’s Well Wishers charity.

Each of the 12 inpatients at Goscote Hospice will now be able to use one of the chairs after the charity funded their £23,400 cost.

The chairs have replaced old furniture which needed changing due to a decade of wear and tear.

Deborah Jones, Ward Manager, said patients were thrilled with the new furniture.

She said: “When Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust took over management of Goscote Hospice in October 2020, it was my mission to get some of the furniture replaced as the chairs, although comfortable, were beginning to look worn out.

“We ordered the chairs in three different sizes to suit the patients’ comfort and needs.

“To ensure we had the appropriate chairs for our patients, we invited different companies to show a demonstration model and invited teams from Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Tissue Viability, Infection Prevention and Control and the senior Palliative Team to give their professional opinions on the models.

“We took some time to agree which model met with all the necessary requirements, including pressure relief and comfort as well as infection prevention.”

The chairs can also be wheeled outside on to the patio areas so patients can have some fresh air and a break from the ward environment.

Deborah added: “The chairs can also be used by relatives who wish to stay with their loved one during very emotional times. This can be a comfort for our patients and their family members and carers.

“The feedback so far has been positive. Everyone who has sat in the chairs has said how comfy they are. We are really pleased with what we have chosen and are so thankful for the generosity of the local community in this wonderful donation.”

Georgie Westley, Fundraising Manager, said: “We are so grateful for all the incredible support the hospice receives so we can fund vital projects such as this one.

“It really shows that the money you raise goes straight into patient care and into directly improving the experience of our patients and their families and carers.”

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