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A pleasure doing business with Well Wishers

2024-08-09T08:10:59+01:00Friday 9 August 2024|

Businesses now have an opportunity to showcase their services while supporting Walsall Healthcare’s Well Wishers charity thanks to a new promotional partnership.

Well Wishers has developed a new corporate support pack where businesses can sign up to one of three packages available.

The money made from these will be used to improve the health and wellbeing of patients across hospital and community services, including Goscote Hospice, Fair Oaks Hospice, Hollybank House and the Palliative Care Centre.

The first two businesses to sign up are Village Hotel Walsall and Allsopp & Associates Dental Practice based in Walsall followed by Cotton Candy Travel.

Nicola Patel, Director of Sales and Alana Weston, Sales Manager from Village Hotel Birmingham Walsall said:

“We signed up to this package because we thought it was a good opportunity to get our business out there as we know how much footfall the hospital gets and how many staff work here. We are also only five minutes away from the hospital.

“It’s a win win outcome for us as not only does it support our business, but we are helping patients in the hospital and community which is such a rewarding feeling.”

Georgie Westley, Fundraising Manager for Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust added: “This pack is such a brilliant way for businesses to promote themselves whilst helping our charity. We have already received great feedback from businesses who have signed up and we are looking forward to collaborating with many more.”

The Official Supporter package costs £500 for 12 months. It includes:

  • A feature in the Trust’s internal, electronic staff newsletter, with link to website, once a month
  • Your business logo and name featured on ‘Supporters’ page on Well Wishers website, with link through to your website.
  • Screensavers across staff computers, showing logo, name and QR code to website
  • Social media promotion once a month
  • Your business promoted on the Connecting our Communities wall in the Main Atrium of Walsall Manor Hospital
  • Opportunity of 12 promotional stalls in the Main Atrium of Walsall Manor Hospital

The Proud Supporter package costs £300 for six months. It includes:

  • A feature in the Trust’s internal, electronic staff newsletter, with link to website, once a month
  • Your business logo and name featured on ‘Supporters’ page on Well Wishers website
  • Screensavers across staff computers, showing your business logo
  • Social media promotion once a month
  • Your business promoted on the Connecting our Communities wall in the Main Atrium of Walsall Manor Hospital
  • Opportunity of six promotional stalls in the Main Atrium of Walsall Manor Hospital

The Friends of Humphrey Bear package costs £60 for one month. It includes:

  • A feature in the internal, electronic staff newsletter (single feature)
  • One off social media promotion

Click on this link to see Well Wishers Corporate Support Pack:

If you would like to sign up to one of the packages or want to find out more, please contact the Fundraising Team at or 01922 656643.

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