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Joy at fundraising hat trick

2024-08-01T18:25:21+01:00Thursday 1 August 2024|
  • The Mayor and Mayoress with the fairground cake on the ward

It’s a Mayoral hat trick for Walsall Healthcare’s Well Wishers as the borough’s First Citizen has selected the charity to benefit from his fundraising year.

Walsall Mayor Councillor Anthony Harris, and Mayoress Christina, are keen to support projects involving children and young people through the Manor Hospital and its community services and delighted patients and staff when they popped on to the Children’s Ward to donate a fantastic fairground-themed cake made by Walsall Council’s catering team.

The Mayor said: “Our young grandson contracted meningitis and it was a terribly worrying time for the family.

“We were in Hull at the time for the October great fair when he took ill. The care and compassion shown by those looking after him in the NHS was humbling and it made the Mayoress and I determined to support our local hospital teams which look after children and young people in Walsall.

“They don’t only support the child but the family too and anything we can do to help their time in hospital we’re keen to get involved in. My predecessors have told me what a great charity Well Wishers is – I’m very impressed that its local supporters are shown exactly where donations go and how the money raised makes a difference.”

Georgie Westley, Fundraising Manager at Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust, said it was definitely a case of third time lucky for Well Wishers.

“The charity has been proud to work with previous Mayors Councillor Rose Martin and Councillor Chris Towe and the team is looking forward to getting on board with Councillor Harris and the Mayoress over the next 12 months.

“We loved it when they popped in shortly after being sworn in and they struggled to get off the ward as so many patients, parents and staff wanted to chat to them! We’re thrilled that Well Wishers has got the support of the third Mayor in a row and can’t wait to keep them busy.”

The Mayor’s other chosen charities are The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association and The Midlands Air Ambulance Charity.

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