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Community Services patient survey launched

2024-05-13T13:32:27+01:00Monday 13 May 2024|

Patients who are supported in their own homes – via community services provided by Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust – are being given the opportunity to share feedback for the first time.

“The care we give in the place you live” survey was launched last week at Blakenall Village Centre and is a partnership between the Trust’s Patient Experience and Relations Team and Community Division.

Anyone who has used or been supported in the following community services will be able to share their experience:

  • Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) and Specialist Community staff
  • Healthy Child Programme 0-19 Services
  • Intermediate and Urgent Care
  • Palliation and End-of-Life Care
  • Place-Based Localities
  • Community Children’s Nurses

Garry Perry, Associate Director Patient Voice (Experience), said Walsall Healthcare has a number of ways of capturing feedback from patients in hospital and, while community feedback isn’t mandatory, the Trust was proud to launch this survey to get a broader picture from the people using its services.

He said: “We have some fantastic teams in community services in Walsall and we do hear back from former patients and their families about their experiences. But we wanted to put this on a stronger footing and be one of the few organisations that seeks this detailed feedback.

“We’ve been working with Kelly Geffen, Divisional Director of Nursing – Community, and together we’re promoting the survey and encouraging patients to tell us their views. We want to hear what works well and what doesn’t so we can shape our services accordingly.”

The survey is confidential and patients can go online or use a QR code to complete it.

Kelly added: “As Garry says, we’re proud to launch our community survey because we support thousands of patients and want to hear their voice regarding the services they use.

“We ask people to please give us as much detail as possible so we can build clear insight which will be invaluable to our teams. Our staff will have survey postcards with them when they visit people’s homes as well as in community-based settings so please ask for one!”

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