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Tailor-made aprrenticeship suits busy Tim

2024-02-09T12:27:16+00:00Friday 9 February 2024|

Chief Orthodontic and Maxillofacial Technician, Dr Timothy Farrington, has worked for the NHS for 27 years and had been looking for ways to further develop his skills to progress his career.

Having a full-time role at Walsall Manor Hospital and being a father of five, he is incredibly busy and needed a course which fitted flexibly around his lifestyle.

Tim, 51, has been studying the Senior Leadership and MBA course provided by Arden University online and is in the second year of study.

He has Aspergers and dyslexia so a course that still allowed communication and chances for re-evaluation was vital.

He said: “Doing an online apprenticeship degree was ideal for me.

“It allowed me to fit my development around my work and family life. I’m truly grateful that this apprenticeship was funded by Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust’s apprenticeship scheme.

“Upon completion, I will be well-equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to manage my department effectively and enhance our development.

“Grasp every opportunity that you can and if you are an apprentice make sure you utilise your six hours protected study time wisely. You will never regret studying because it will help you professionally and personally.”

Heather Morris, Placement Lead at Walsall Healthcare, has supported Tim’s apprenticeship progression alongside his full-time role.

She said: “Our aim is to support our staff and to make sure that they are given every opportunity to progress within their career in a way that suits them.

“The placement team is always happy to discuss any apprenticeship opportunities for progression.

“Applications for apprenticeships are facilitated by the Placement Team with discussions with managers and candidates on the suitability and availability of an apprenticeship. We work with external providers to process the apprenticeship applications and application criteria.

“Apprenticeship off job training is delivered in a variety of ways dependent on the level and training provider, which can include online sessions or blended learning including classroom sessions.”

To apply for an apprenticeship within the NHS, search Health Careers online:


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