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Marking 21 years of invaluable Walsall support

2023-11-10T15:35:01+00:00Friday 10 November 2023|

More than 600 courses to support thousands of patients to manage their long-term health conditions have been delivered through a Walsall Healthcare programme that is celebrating its milestone 21st year.

The Self Care Management Programme will be highlighting its achievements during National Self Care Week which runs 13-19 November.

The theme this year is “Mind and Body” and organisations are encouraged to use Self Care Week as a hook to help people practise self care for a healthier, happier life.

The Walsall courses offered can be specifically designed to reduce the severity of symptoms and improve a patient’s knowledge of their condition. This empowers them to take some responsibility for its management and work in partnership with their health and social care providers to have greater control over their lives.

As part of this focus, 120 patients will come together at a celebration event on Monday 13 November at the Active Living Centre, Bloxwich, where there will be 22 stands highlighting the information and support available across Walsall.

And on Thursday 16 November staff and volunteers will host a stand at Walsall Manor Hospital between 11am and 2pm, in the main atrium, to raise awareness of the programme.

Jo Hannigan, Business Support Manager for the Self Care Management Programme at Walsall healthcare NHS Trust said: “We’re really proud to be marking our 21st year of providing this support to patients who are living with a range of long-term conditions such as diabetes, chronic pain and long Covid.

“Our programme aims to help people take more care of themselves by learning new skills to manage their health condition better on a daily basis. It has continually evolved since it started in 2002 and courses are offered in the community and virtually.

“In 2006 we introduced the Caring for Me and You Programme to support those who look after someone with a long-term health condition. In 2021 the Diabetes Self Care Management Programme was introduced to support people with any type of diabetes and the Chronic Pain Self Care Management Programme was introduced in 2022 to support people who are experiencing chronic pain.

“A total of 6,701 participants have completed one of the programmes offered and it has been so rewarding to hear how much they have benefitted. They have told us their social relationships improved, their concentration levels were better, their sleep improved, and they felt less worried about their health to detail just a few of the points they raised.

“We have recruited 15 Volunteer Tutors to deliver our courses and introduced our Friends of Self Care events back in 2010 which feature guest speakers.

“Looking back, we have had a fantastic 21 years of helping to make a difference to people’s lives – and long may this continue!”

Referrals to any of the programmes can be made by health professionals and self-referrals are accepted.

For more information, please call 01922 605490 or email:

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