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Stage set for play penned by Walsall Consultant

2023-06-25T15:46:02+01:00Sunday 25 June 2023|
  • Poster advertising the play

A Walsall Consultant Paediatrician and global environmental campaigner has written a play highlighting the impact of climate change – with performances running next week.

Professor Abdul Gatrad founded WASUP, initially Walsall against Single Use Plastic now World Against single Use Plastic, and is a passionate champion of raising awareness of the issues caused by plastic waste and the impact on the planet. More than 50 countries are part of the WASUP network and he was awarded Freeman of the Borough of Walsall for his global work.

He describes his play, The Plastic Migrant, as “contemporary and topical.”

“It features a migrant with a difference. Manjolo embarks on a perilous journey up the River Nile, choked with plastic, and makes his way to the English Channel,” he said.

“It is set in the UK and Ethiopia and Manjolo starts out as someone who no one wants to know but becomes someone who everyone in the world wants to meet. I won’t give too much away but the play explores the impact of plastic pollution and climate change through generations and is suitable for children and adults alike. The proceeds from the play will be used to buy litter pickers, gloves and bags for schools in Walsall and beyond.”

Professor Gatrad, who was awarded an OBE from the Queen in 2002 for the work he had done to halve the mortality of new-born babies in the borough and to develop the hospital’s Paediatric Assessment Unit, at Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust, said WASUP was always looking at ways to spread this important message.

“We can’t afford to be complacent. Our actions today impact tomorrow for all and if we care about the world our children and their children are going to be living in, we can’t just switch off to the significant threat that exists.”

Performances are at Great Wyrley High School on Wednesday 28 June, Friday 30 June and Saturday 1 July at 7.30pm with ticket prices ranging from £5 up to £15. Book via and visit WASUP’s website for more information


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