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Walsall patients first in UK to sign up to global trial

2023-01-24T13:01:59+00:00Tuesday 24 January 2023|
  • Dr Huda Mahmoud

    Walsall researchers have signed up the UK’s first participants in a global trial to better understand and manage the treatment of patients with a life-threatening condition.

    The TRACK study is a global commercial study focusing on patients with hyperkalaemia (HK).

    Dr Huda Mahmoud, Consultant in Nephrology at Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust, is leading the study with support from Dr Rumi Jaumdally Consultant Cardiologist and Clinical Research Practitioner Ben Jones. Walsall is one of 95 sites across Germany, Italy, Spain, the UK and the US and the aim is to recruit 1,250 patients across the world and is currently the highest UK recruiter.

    Dr Mahmoud explained: “HK is a condition where patients have too much potassium in their blood.

    “While our bodies need this important nutrient to keep our nerves and muscles healthy and to ensure our hearts work, too much in the blood can be dangerous. It can cause serious problems such as abnormal heartbeats and is life-threatening.

    “The condition is most common in patients with heart failure or chronic kidney disease.

    “This study, sponsored by AstraZeneca, will focus on data and information from those with HK to increase our understanding of its management, treatment patterns and the decision-making process around treatment.”

    Dr Jaumdally added: “Patients often find themselves having a high number of hospital admissions, trips to the Emergency Department and outpatient appointments.

    “The study will run for 12 months and the aim is to help health professionals optimise and improve care for HK patients all over the world.”

    Walsall is currently the highest recruiting site in the UK which is open to eligible adult patients with potassium levels above 5.0.

    To #BePartOfResearch – email for details of trials and studies available.

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