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Rooms for rest

2022-10-04T16:08:09+01:00Friday 7 October 2022|

Medical staff working nights at Walsall Manor Hospital now have a more comfortable area to go to during their shift.

Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust has refurbished three of its doctors’ on call rooms thanks to funding from Estates and Facilities.

The rooms are for anaesthetic consultants, paediatric consultants, surgery middle grades and consultants to use while they are on call at night.

The refurbishment was needed after the rooms and furniture had started to look very old and worn out. They now have new painted walls, flooring, beds, tables and chairs.

This will allow doctors to get better rest and complete their notes in a quiet space to themselves.

Accommodation Officer Lynette Pearce said: “We are pleased that this refurbishment went well.

“The rooms look very nice and clean. We hope all the doctors like them and find them useful and helpful while they are on shift. We’ve had great feedback so far.”

Local Negotiating Committees Chair, Mr Gunther Selzer, added: “The rooms look great.

“Prior to the refurbishment they were dated and the furniture was worn. We raised it in the LNC meeting and are very happy with the result. Thank you to the estates department for supporting this.”