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Walsall’s ready to par-tea!

2022-07-05T09:56:20+01:00Tuesday 5 July 2022|
  • The Big Tea event and NHS 74th birthday

    Cakes, samosas and plenty of cuppas will be the order of the day today as Walsall Healthcare celebrates the 74th birthday of the NHS and takes part in the national Big Tea charity event.

    Supported by the Trust’s Well Wishers charity and Morrisons, staff and patients at Walsall Manor Hospital will be able to take a break, enjoy a visit from the borough’s Mayor and listen to musical entertainment courtesy of the Sounds Familiar duo.

    And throughout the day, videos made by staff singing Happy Birthday in different languages will be released, along with a couple of Tik Toks.

    Georgie Westley, Fundraising Manager at the Trust said: “The NHS Big Tea, organised through NHS Charities Together, is a lovely celebration and it is fantastic to see our staff and volunteers take a break.

    “We will be welcoming people from 10.30am onwards today and our staff in community services are also able to pop into Morrisons at Bescot while on their travels for a free cuppa.

    “We’d like to thank The Sweet Spot for bringing their delicious cakes to today’s event and running a sale for us, the Muslim Women’s Association for providing tasty Asian treats and Sounds Familiar, regulars at the hospital, for entertaining us.

    “And of course, Morrisons, for its fantastic support not only today but throughout the year. Let’s make the 74th birthday of the NHS a day to remember here in Walsall!”

    Events will run until 1.30pm just outside the Fundraising Hub in the main atrium of the hospital.

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