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Postnatal ward visitors welcomed

2022-05-24T18:23:45+01:00Tuesday 24 May 2022|
  • Postnatal Ward visiting starts up again

    An additional visitor will be welcomed on to the postnatal wards at Walsall Manor Hospital from tomorrow (Wednesday 25 May 2022) as COVID-19 restrictions continue to ease.

    Hour-long visiting slots will need to be booked by calling the Welcome Hub on 01922 444 040. The Welcome Hub is available between 8am and 6pm and is in highest demand between 8am and 11am.

    Online bookings are not available for Maternity inpatient visits to Wards 24 and 25 and arrangements cannot be made with the wards directly.

    Carla Jones-Charles, Divisional Director of Midwifery, Gynaecology and Sexual Health for Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust, said: “Last month we announced that two birthing partners were able to accompany mums-to-be in active labour in the delivery suite and we’re so pleased to be able to open up visiting even further now.

    “We appreciate what a difficult time this has been for our pregnant women and their families but have had to prioritise their health as well as work to minimise infection risk for all who use and work in our maternity services.”

    Face masks are still required at all times, along with good hand hygiene to minimise the risk of infection.  This is to protect unwell patients within the hospital.

    Anyone who has any of the recognised symptoms of COVID-19, which are a raised temperature, new continuous cough or loss of/change of taste or smell, must not come into the hospital.

    In addition, anyone with norovirus symptoms of sickness and diarrhoea should also keep away.

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