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Jaxon’s praise for Walsall Super Heroes

2022-03-22T14:24:22+00:00Tuesday 22 March 2022|
  • Jaxon in his scrubs along with birth photos

When it comes to super heroes Walsall schoolboy Jaxon Hendy knows exactly who he thinks deserves that title – doctors and nurses at Walsall Manor Hospital who saved his life!

Jaxon, aged 11, was born just over three months early on 6 February 2011 after his mum Kim developed pre-eclampsia whilst pregnant. This is a potentially life-threatening condition for both mum and baby and Kim was advised that Jaxon needed to delivered by emergency caesarean as soon as possible at 27 weeks gestation.

“He was born weighing just one pound and 11 ounces,” explained Kim, a former nursery nurse who is now a childminder.

“Jaxon was really poorly in the Neonatal Unit; he had a haemorrhage in his lungs and had to go to Stoke for specialist care for a couple of weeks before coming back to Walsall where he spent another nine weeks. It was a really worrying time but the staff were amazing, and are amazing. We’re still in touch with a couple of the nurses there to this day.

“Staff told me that I tended to just get on with things and coped well but I do remember seeing a display on the unit that showed stories from parents whose babies had been cared for there. I remember feeling really encouraged by these which is why Jaxon and I are sharing our story.”

Jaxon took part in Red Nose Day activities at Edgar Stammers School last Friday where pupils were encouraged to dress up as super heroes.

“He was initially going to go as Clark Kent – Superman – but he turned to me and said he wanted to be a real-life super hero like doctors and nurses,” said Kim, 35, who is married to Darren, and lives in Coalpool.

“Jaxon is a cheeky comedian, with a dry sense of humour, but he is such a caring boy so I’m not at all surprised he wanted to recognise those who cared and supported us in Walsall when we needed them. I ordered him some children’s scrubs off the internet and off he went to let everyone at school know who the real super heroes are. We are all so proud of him and remain really thankful for the care we had at Walsall Manor Hospital.”


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