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Farewell to Deborah

2023-12-18T14:38:01+00:00Friday 30 July 2021|
  • deborah ashley
  • deborah colleagues

After 37 years’ service Paediatric Assessment Unit (PAU) Sister Deborah Ashley is retiring today and looking forward to a well-deserved rest.

Deb has worked for the trust since 1985 where she started as a pupil nurse undertaking the training for a state enrolled nurse. After being an adult nurse she then moved to Paediatrics where she became the first PAU nurse when the ward first opened.

The mother-of-one said: “The highlight of my career has been working in the PAU; I have really enjoyed it so much.”

When asked what she will miss the most Deb, aged 55, said: “I will truly miss everyone from the families to my colleagues and other teams.”

Her colleagues described her as “the Sister Dora of Paediatrics” and said:

“We are really sad she’s going. She always put the patients first and went above and beyond. Her attitude to patient care is one of the best. We thank her for all her teaching and dedication and wish her the best of luck.”

During her retirement she will be having some much-needed relaxation and will still be teaching.

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