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Iftar packs to thank Walsall’s key workers

2021-04-30T22:29:30+01:00Friday 30 April 2021|
  • Outside of Walsall Manor Hospital

Resourceful members of 786th Wolverhampton Scouts will be delivering Iftar packs to Walsall Healthcare staff on Saturday evening.

Iftar is the evening meal with which Muslims end their daily Ramadan fast.

The scout group usually hosts an event called “Iftar Under The Stars” but was unable to do so last year due to the Covid-19 pandemic which is still restricting its activity this year too.

But Khalid Khan, Group Scout Leader, said: “We are Scouts and we love a challenge so when there is a will we found a way!

“Instead of the community coming to us last year we went to the community in a Covid safe manner and our team worked extremely hard to get the Iftar packs completed and delivered on time whilst many were observing Ramadan themselves.

“We would like to offer a huge Thank You to all key workers for helping the nation and the world getting through such a difficult time.

“Words are powerless to express how thankful we truly are. So on Saturday 1st May 2021 we will be Insha’Allah repeating our Iftar For Our Stars Event.”

Mr Khan said scouts had “amazing responses” from recipients last year which made the whole process all the more rewarding for all those involved.

He added: “Since our last Iftar event in May 2020 many lives have changed dramatically from what we previously knew to be normal. It has been a year of great loss and unimaginable heartbreak.

“This period of uncertainty has had devastating effects within our communities, impacting many emotionally, financially and mentally.

“We would therefore like to once again take this opportunity to express our community’s sincere gratitude.”

Ahmed Salloo, Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust Muslim Chaplain, is making arrangements for a couple of doctors to meet Mr Khan to accept the kind donation this Saturday evening.

He said: “Our colleagues really grateful and touched by this thoughtful gesture from the scouts and appreciate their determination to think of others despite the challenging times we are in.”

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