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Support for BAME colleagues

2021-04-07T17:08:06+01:00Wednesday 7 April 2021|
  • Logo for BAME Staff Support Group

    A safe space for Walsall Healthcare’s Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic colleagues to share experiences and ideas and support each other has been created – with its first virtual meeting being held next week.

    The BAME (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic) Staff Support Group has been set up under the umbrella of the BAME Shared Decision Making Council which was established last June at the trust. It is aimed at creating a safe community for staff giving them an opportunity to liaise with each other and share their common interests and best practices which, in turn, enhance patient care.

    Colleague Ahmed Bhula said: “We are proud to have set up the BAME Staff Support Group here in Walsall and want colleagues from the hospital and our community services to feel empowered to drive the group forward, knowing that their voices can bring about meaningful change.

    “The group will enable the trust to better engage with BAME staff, to signpost them towards career and development opportunities and identify any specific support that might be needed. We hope that it will also improve retention of valued BAME colleagues within Walsall Healthcare. This is an exciting development for our trust as staff will be much more involved in policy making and can be real drivers for change and improvement.”

    The first meeting of the BAME Staff Support Group is next Monday 12 April and the group hopes to meet at least once a month by Microsoft Teams.

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