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Outpatient appointments

2020-11-02T17:29:42+00:00Monday 2 November 2020|
  • Outside of Walsall Manor Hospital

As we work together to minimise the risk of Covid-19 we are reminding people attending Outpatient appointments at Walsall Manor Hospital that they please need to attend alone.

It is really important that we limit the number of people we have in the hospital and avoid anyone coming in unnecessarily. While we appreciate this can be difficult, it helps us to keep our services going during this challenging time.

We ask you to only bring someone with you in exceptional circumstances which are:

If a patient has a mental health issue such as dementia, a learning disability or autism, where attending alone would cause them to be distressed and that level of distress could not be managed / supported by our staff

If a patient living with dementia or a learning disability and/or autism would suffer greater harm by not attending their appointment than the impact of coming into contact with Covid-19.

It is important to keep your appointments and, unless there is a medical reason for not doing so, you are now required to wear a face mask.

Please make sure you wash your hands and use the hand sanitiser provided, and avoid coming to hospital if you have any of the virus symptoms of a high temperature above 37.8, a new, continuous cough or loss of or change in taste and smell, unless of course your condition is urgent.


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