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Making medicines safer for all in Walsall

2020-11-02T14:31:58+00:00Monday 2 November 2020|
  • yellow card image

Pharmacists are encouraging Walsall patients as well as healthcare colleagues to support a week-long focus on making medicines safer for all.

From November 2 to 6 they are celebrating Medicines Safety Week 2020 across Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust by raising awareness of Adverse Drug Reaction reporting.

Liz Payne, Medication Safety Officer at the trust, explained that all medicines can have side effects which, in some people, can be severe.

She said: “Reporting an adverse drug reaction, if it occurs, makes the details of that reaction available to be analysed.

“This information can be used to add cautions and warnings and the knowledge can be used make sure the right medicines are given to the right patients.  This makes medicines safer for everyone.”

Adverse drug reactions are reported online on the MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency) Yellow Card website- and there is also an app. This feedback is crucial to ensuring medicines are safe.

Throughout this week Walsall Healthcare’s pharmacy department is raising awareness of the reporting system and promoting recognition and reporting of suspected adverse drug reactions via posters, a quiz, a competition and teaching sessions.

Liz added: “This campaign calls on patients and healthcare professionals alike to report all side effects, especially those associated with new or experimental treatments. By continuing to work in partnership we can make a positive impact on treatments for future generations.”

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