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Volunteers making Christmas special for patients

2019-12-25T20:01:57+00:00Wednesday 25 December 2019|
  • Dave and Sue volunteering on Christmas Day

Thank you to all our staff who are working across our hospital and community services this Christmas Day and evening to care for patients and support their families.

And thank you to volunteers Dave Evans and Sue Oates who gave up their time to come into the hospital today.

Dave, aged 73, is a stroke buddy and he is volunteering today and tomorrow – Boxing Day.

“I had a stroke 18 years ago so I call on my experience when I talk to patients who are feeling frightened about the future,” he said. “I am proof that life may change but you can adapt and make the most of things.

“I am on my own so I get just as much out of volunteering as the patients do from seeing someone on Christmas Day, especially if they have no family.”

Sue, 72, is a ward visitor and this is the first time she has volunteered on Christmas Day.

“This year, by choice, I was going to be on my own on Christmas Day, as I’m seeing my family on other days,” she said. “I can get into the hospital, I don’t have to rely on public transport, so I thought I would offer to come in.

“I know from being a volunteer over the last five years or so that patients who either have no family or no family close by can feel very lonely. Just having a chat with someone means a lot.”

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