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Chaplain Anthony sees his poems in print

2019-08-29T11:45:53+01:00Thursday 29 August 2019|
  • Chaplain Anthony with his book

As a hospital Chaplain, Anthony Swaby has supported patients, their families and his own colleagues through times of both joy and sadness over the years.

Now working at Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust in the Chaplaincy – Spiritual Care team, he has written a book containing 40 poems to bring comfort, support and motivation to readers.

Anthony, aged 59,  first had the idea of capturing his thoughts when he was working at Medway NHS foundation Trust in Gillingham and he and colleagues were trying to come up with a different style of Christmas carol service.

“It is, of course, always difficult to find time to organise these things, but I did manage to start writing down my poems,” he said.

“I would say I’m a bit of a musician in that I play the piano and clarinet and I was able to get five poems together for that carol service. The year 2018 marked the 25th anniversary of my priesthood so it seems fitting that my book was published in October that year after I successfully created a collection of 40 poems.”

The Rainbow of Anthology  – Spectrum of Colours for the Seasons takes the themes of Advent, Christmas, Community, Easter, Family, Lent, Thanksgiving and Vocation. Whilst they have been written from a Christian viewpoint Anthony hopes the words will be suitable for a universal audience.

“I am proud to have written the book and feel very flattered to think of people picking it up and using it. Music has been a passion of mine and I have also enjoyed providing tunes to accompany the words.”

Anthony, who has also worked in Chichester, Worcester and the Rochester Diocese with the NHS, has chosen ‘We’re here to serve our living Lord’ as his favourite vocational poem. In his spare time, aside from music, he enjoys travel, nature and walking – where inspiration can often come to him!



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