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Sallyann’s key mental health role

2019-01-23T10:15:03+00:00Wednesday 23 January 2019|
  • School Nursing lead Sallyann Sutton

Walsall Healthcare’s professional lead for School Nursing will be playing a key role in shaping mental health support for young people nationally.

Sallyann Sutton has been selected to be a member of the Expert Reference Group that will be instrumental in developing a manual to support the implementation of Mental Health Support Teams (MHSTs) in schools and colleges.

The National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health (NCCMH) has been commissioned to develop the manual which aims to provide guidance and clarity about the functions of MHSTs, the wider environment required for success, and key elements of engagement with children and young people, families and carers, and schools and colleges, to support the implementation of the new service.

Sallyann, who has worked for Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust for more than 30 years,  said: “I’m pleased to have been selected to be part of this group after responding to a national advert asking for applications from health, education and social care professionals with an understanding of the social, political, economic and professional influences on the NHS.

“The recent Green paper is a starting point for new investment and resource to improve mental health services for children and young people. Part of this is the establishment of mental health support teams in schools. School Nurses have always supported in prevention and early intervention for children and young people presenting with mental health problems and nationally are a great resource who are trusted by them.

“I think it’s so important to have a school nurse involved in the development of this manual. School nursing knowledge and expertise can be shared and used to inform this new development. My lead area is child and family mental health – having gained a MSc in this field and a PGA in Public Mental Health alongside my years of clinical practice in this area I feel well placed to contribute to this development.

“I am excited to have the opportunity and looking forward to representing my school nurse colleagues.”

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