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Two days’ worth of self care challenges

2018-11-17T17:01:20+00:00Saturday 17 November 2018|
  • blogger Colette enjoys a walk

As we near the end of Self Care Week here’s two days’ worth of Self Care Challenge in today’s blog post from our Self Care Management Programme volunteer tutor Colette.

Day 6

Phone a friend

Join a group

Go for a walk

Isn’t it a relief to break the day up sometimes just by talking to someone about something other than your health condition? I find it really lifts my mood if I can have a good old gossip and a laugh with a friend.

Back in 2002 I joined an amateur dramatics group – a brave step for me as there are times I can’t manage rehearsals or participate fully and I did wonder if there was any point. Thanks again to my mum for giving me a push there!

But everyone understands that some days are better than others for me and I’m not judged I’m accepted as an important member of that group. Try it yourself and see how you get on. It’s also a great way to meet new people with similar interests.

Incorporating a walk into my routine really works for me so no apologies for my repetition of this. I should be on commission from our local rambling and walking groups at this rate!

Day 7

Make a plan for the next week

Do some breathing techniques

Practice 3 yoga poses

As I’ve mentioned before, coping with a long term health condition can feel a bit like being on a never ending hamster wheel. So taking a step back and making a plan for the week to come feels like you’re getting some control back. It doesn’t have to be ambitious – although it can be if that’s what works for you. It can be something as straightforward as planning a week of healthier meals.

Breathing techniques can be particularly effective for those who have breathing difficulties in terms of helping them to relax and reduce anxiety levels. We can often feel stressed and by practising breathing techniques can bring those stress levels down.

Yoga poses are another great way to work our muscles which can waste away if we spend too much time sitting or lying down. Mobility can be a real issue for people with certain long term health conditions but there are a whole series of yoga stretches that can be done despite limitations. If this aids a good night’s sleep I’m all in favour!


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