Book of Condolence: Areema Nasreen

This page is provided for those who wish to pay tribute to Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust colleague, Areema Nasreen,
who sadly passed away in the early hours of Friday 3 April.

Read the full statement from Richard Beeken, Chief Executive of Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust.

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Habib from Birmingham wrote on 03/04/2020
Inna lillah e wa inna elahi rajeoon. God bless and rest in peace.
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Natalie Mills from Birchills Health Centre wrote on 03/04/2020
You got your dream of being a nurse and selflessly put yourself at risk for others You will always be remembered amongst colleagues and my thoughts go out to your family and friends who will always have an empty space in their lives but never in their hearts. What a role model for your children and an example you have set to other people wanting to follow their dreams. Rest in peace angel xx
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Claire Nyree from Gloucester wrote on 03/04/2020
So sad to read that this beautiful lady has passed. Thinking of all her friends and Family at this sad time โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ
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Jay Jansen from Imaging Dept, Walsall Manor Hospital wrote on 03/04/2020
Areema, you will be sadly missed. You were such a wonderful nurse, so happy, positive, and caring towards your patients. Thank you for your service. My condolences towards your family and your friends in this difficult time. From all of us in the Imaging Department, Rest in Peace. Gone, but never forgotton.
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Kerry Siau from Wolverhampton wrote on 03/04/2020
Areema, i had the privilege to watch you blossom over three years and support you on your journey to become the fantastic nurse you were. You worked so incredibly hard to achieve your dream and youโ€™ve been taken far too soon. You have touched the lives of many patients, families, staff and students. My deepest condolences go to your family and friends. Rest in peace, Areema.
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Colin bonser from Oldham wrote on 03/04/2020
Our thoughts and prayers are with all family members and friends and colleagues a true florence nightingale of the NHS stay strong knowing God must have wanted a special angel
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Vanessa from Walsall wrote on 03/04/2020
Im lost for words. Such a sad loss of life. Thinking if your loved ones, may you R.I.P Now you have gained your Angel wings. ๐Ÿ’”
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Tariq from DUDLEY wrote on 03/04/2020
My condolences to her family and friends ๐Ÿ’”May she RIP.... Ameen ๐Ÿคฒ๐ŸปThank you for all you did in the NHS and for humanity....May Allah elevate you to the highest rank in janat al firdous..... Al-Fatiha ๐Ÿคฒ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿคฒ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿคฒ๐ŸผAmeen....โ˜๏ธโ˜๏ธโ˜๏ธ๐Ÿ•‹๐Ÿ•‹๐Ÿ•‹๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’š
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Julie Johnson from Staffordshire wrote on 03/04/2020
Thank you for your courage, so sad you list the fight x
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Hafsa from Sheffield wrote on 03/04/2020
May Allah reward the sister jannatul firdaus for her efforts in this difficult time for all our NHS staff in this pandemic, and give her family sabr ameen
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Mina Nessa from Wednesbury wrote on 03/04/2020
Inna lililahi wainna ilahi rajioon (To Allah we belong and to him we shall return) May Allah s.w.t. in his mercy, grant Areema rest, may her grave be a part of Jannatul Firdaus and an abode of light. May Allah give the family sabr at this difficult time. Ameen.
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Nasar Ilyas from Coventry wrote on 03/04/2020
May you both rest in peace in eternity! May your graves turn into gardens of paradise. Today you both made us proud! Verily we belong to Allah (God), and verily to Him do we return.
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Kate Gallear from Cannock wrote on 03/04/2020
Sending my love and thoughts to all the family and friends of this beautiful kind hearted nurse who was taken to soon. Rest in Peace xx xx
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Michaela from Walsall wrote on 03/04/2020
Love & support for your family, stay strong and most of all proud xx ๐Ÿ’”
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Shameem from Walsall wrote on 03/04/2020
May Allah SWT grant you the highest rank in jannatul ferdous and give your family sabr at this difficult time..Aameen
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Amir wrote on 03/04/2020
May allah grant you jannatul ferdous and give your family sabr at this difficult time.. Ameen Truly a hero
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Jeanette Bailey from West Bromwich wrote on 03/04/2020
Thank you for being the kind and generous person you was looking after everyone else, I am so sorry that you have given up your life for your job. Heaven has gained another beautiful angel ๐Ÿ’”โค my thoughts and prayers are with your family and friends xx R.I.P ๐Ÿ’”โค
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Harinder from Streetly wrote on 03/04/2020
Sending your family love and condolences and prayers out for strength, done your best to help everyone else out during this time. RIP. <3
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Karen barbor from Scunthorpe wrote on 03/04/2020
RIP in peace Lovely lady โค๏ธ
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Amanda from Walsall wrote on 03/04/2020
Bless you for doing the best you could . For putting your life on the line to save others . You are an angel x sending si much love and condolences to your family and friends x
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