Book of Condolence: Areema Nasreen

This page is provided for those who wish to pay tribute to Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust colleague, Areema Nasreen,
who sadly passed away in the early hours of Friday 3 April.

Read the full statement from Richard Beeken, Chief Executive of Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust.

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Chris from WALSALL wrote on 03/04/2020
So sad to read this news. Areema treated mum in hospital back in October last year. She was always bubbly and friendly and would have had a promising career in front of her. Deepest condolences to her family and friends. Rest in Peace.
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Dianne Bester from Morecambe wrote on 03/04/2020
Thank you for your dedication to keeping us safe which has sadly led to the shortening of yours ๐Ÿ’” You will never be forgotten Areema Rest in peace โคโคโค
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Qadeer Ahmed from Maidenhead, Berks wrote on 03/04/2020
May Allah honour our sister, raise her, increase her in station, illuminate her grave, count her amongst His elect and special servants, grant her admission into Jannah without reckoning, accept her amongst the martyrs, and build for her palaces in Jannah which have been chosen for those most Beloved to Him.(Aameen).
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Ustadha Ameena Blake from Sheffield wrote on 03/04/2020
Peace to all of you, My deepest condolences to the family, friends and colleagues. We come from God and return to Him. I pray this lovely sister is granted the level of shahid, and she is granted Angels to escort her to the highest level of Paradise. I pray The Almighty grant her family and loved ones patience, Blessings and inner peace at this difficult time and protect and support, strengthen and bless those like her who are on the front lines. Ustadha Ameena Blake.
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Somia from Stockport wrote on 03/04/2020
Absolutely ๐Ÿ’” right now. Thank you for your passion and dedication. Nursing has lost a true hero today. My thoughts and prayers are with your family. May they find peace knowing you lived your life doing what you had a passion for. RIP. X
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Helen from Adelaide wrote on 03/04/2020
So sorry that you lost your battle for life may you Rest In Peace, condolences to you family, friends and work colleagues. Former Walsall manor nurse
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Elisabeth Smith from Wslsall wrote on 03/04/2020
It is hard to find the words to express the sadness i feel. I would like to thank you for your dedication to your work and to all the people you have helped. Thank you so much for beingnon the frontline. My prayers and thoughts are with your family at this sad time. A special person never to be
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King Shah from Birmingham wrote on 03/04/2020
May Allah grant you the highest abodes in paradise and give you and your loved ones patience in this difficult time. You are a real super hero and will be remembered for your selfless sacrifice for others serving at the NHS. May you rest in peace.
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Harlyn from Walsall wrote on 03/04/2020
You are a true inspiration to everyone. It just feel so sad that others wonโ€™t be able to witness how amazing and down to earth you are. We only met few times since we started our induction last year and from that little chat, it felt like we are closed friends already. You were truly an angel to everyone, all kind and genuine. You will be missed Areema, thank you for all your smiles, you can finally rest now, no more pain and sufferings. May your soul rest in eternal peace x Hugs to your sister Kaz and my deepest condolences to the grieving family. Sheโ€™s a hero.
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Denise Fraser from Walsall wrote on 03/04/2020
Areema a beautiful lady inside and out ,always a smile or helping hand for your patients and colleagues. It was a real joy to see you grow as a true carer from CSW to a Staff Nurse and to have been part of your journey as your Matron. My thoughts and prayers are with your family. Rest in peace always x
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Eileen from Lichfield wrote on 03/04/2020
Rest in peace Areema. You succeeded in your ambition to become a nurse. It is so sad that you had such little time to practice your vocation. My prayers are with your family.
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Doris John from Newport/Wales wrote on 03/04/2020
I did never meet you, but it breaks my heart. God bless you and your family. May you rest in peace.
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Tracey from AMU Walsall Manor Hospital wrote on 03/04/2020
What can I say....My lovely Areema you light up a room when you walk in, your smile was infectious, you are a beautiful lady inside and out ๐Ÿ˜˜ from the first day I met you 16 years ago I loved you instantly....You longed to be a nurse for many many years, you worked so hard and made your dream come true....You will be missed on AMU you were a true team player and loved looking after people....Love you forever ๐Ÿ˜˜ RIP my beautiful friend....Thinking of your family and beautiful children right now xxxxxx
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Amanda Jayne Heath from Walsall wrote on 03/04/2020
My thoughts and prayers to your family, friends and colleagues at this time. ๐Ÿ˜ขxx
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Hayley from WALSALL wrote on 03/04/2020
My mum worked with you and said you were a beautiful young lady who everyone loved and cared for. You were such an inspiration to everyone you had a heart of gold l. You followed your dreams to the highest and everyone is so proud of you. Such a wonderfull young lady who has been take. Way to soon but you will never be forgotten. Sending all my love and prayers to all your family and friends. R.i.p beautiful angel ๐Ÿ‘ผ. Hayley and Julie and family xxxxx โ™ฅ๏ธ
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Ruby from Ward 17 Manor wrote on 03/04/2020
Areema...what can I say you were the nicest and most selfless person I have ever had the pleasure to know and work alongside. You were and always will be a great inspiration to all those working hard to become a nurse!! You worked hard and achieved you dream job and you did it brilliantly. Thank you for your kindness and friendliness towards me. Always remembered and never forgotten. Rest in perfect peace ๐Ÿ’”
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Sofii from West Bromwich wrote on 03/04/2020
Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilayhi Rajioon; May Allah Grant You The Highest Ranks Of Jannnah And Blesses His Mercy Upon You; May He Grant Your Family With Sabar In Shaa Allah๐Ÿ˜”โค๏ธ
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Josie Jeffery from Walsall wrote on 03/04/2020
R.I.P Areema thoughts are with your family friends and colleagues at this time fly high beautiful angel xx
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Aneeka from Walsall wrote on 03/04/2020
Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilayโ€™hi Rajiโ€™oon. Areema, you were a beautiful person both inside and out and thereโ€™s not many people you can say that about in this day and age. You have given me even more motivation now to complete my nursing degree and become the best nurse I can become. I feel the pain of your loss Areema, but I will keep you in my duas at all times my sister. You know what they say, the good go first so thank you for everything Areema. Love you always beautiful xxxxx
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Yasmin akthar from Nottingham wrote on 03/04/2020
So terribly sad Iโ€™m so sorry love & Duas for you and your family .xx
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