Book of Condolence: Areema Nasreen

This page is provided for those who wish to pay tribute to Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust colleague, Areema Nasreen,
who sadly passed away in the early hours of Friday 3 April.

Read the full statement from Richard Beeken, Chief Executive of Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust.

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Lucy from Darlaston wrote on 04/04/2020
R.I.P Sending my love to your family and friends xoxo
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Roopa Kumar from West Bromwich wrote on 04/04/2020
Working with you as a colleague was an amazing opportunity. Feel sorry for young kids behind. Traumatized ...
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Elaine from Walsall wrote on 04/04/2020
Thankyou for your service brave Nurse Areema. I had the honour of working with you when we were HCA's and I admired your kindness and compassion back then . I remembered your lovely face immediately and your passing is so sad ๐Ÿ˜ช I send my condolences to your family , friends and wonderful colleagues at the hospital and i will never forget your sacrifice. โค
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Sb from Walsall wrote on 04/04/2020
Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi rajiโ€™un, my heart is broken for your beautiful family, May Allah give them sabr. I saw you at Walsall manor hospital earlier this year, you had the biggest most beautiful smile, as the parent of a a student nurse, I looked at you in your hijab, uniform and your big smile and wondered if my daughter would have the same affect on people. I didnโ€™t know you but within seconds your personality struck me. Rest peacefully in the gardens of Jannah xx
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Helen Draper from Walsall wrote on 04/04/2020
A beautiful caring soul taken too soon. God bless you, Rest in Peace. My love and prayers go to your family xx ๐Ÿ’”
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Scott Burton from Willenhall wrote on 04/04/2020
To a dear colleague Areema. I was so sad to hear youโ€™d lost your battle yesterday. Sending lots of love to your family and thank you for dedicating your life to helping others. God Bless ๐Ÿ’•
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Harriet from Wolverhampton wrote on 04/04/2020
Areema you fought so well right to the very end, we are all extremely proud if you for what you have accomplished in your short life, me and Mo miss you greatly our friend. Until we meet again, we love you โคโคโค Uni L.E.A.P will remember you..!!
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Lorraine Diegnan from Wolverhampton University wrote on 04/04/2020
Areema was a fabulous student and an outstanding member of my year group 116. I am so saddened by her passing and send my sincere condolences to her family and friends. She was an amazing and inspiring nurse who always had a smile on her face. I was so very proud of her and she will never be forgotten, Lorraine Diegnan x
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Amara from Walsall wrote on 04/04/2020
May Allah SWT accept you as a martyr and grant you a place in Jannah. Iโ€™ve crossed paths with you a few times in hospital and you always smiled and I wonโ€™t forget that xx๐Ÿ˜ช
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Allah baksh from Walsall wrote on 04/04/2020
may Allah swt grant the sister highest place in jannah Ameen ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™โค๏ธโค๏ธ
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Ellen Saeed from Wolverhampton wrote on 04/04/2020
May Allah swt admit her in to the highest ranks of Jannah without account. May He shower His mercy on her, expand her grave and reunite you and your entire family in the highest ranks of Paradise. May He grant your family patience and strengthened imaan during this time. Ameen Thank you for working on the Frontline (NHS) you given you all to help others, sadly you Passed doing something you loved. May others take your words of wisdom and follow in your footsteps for the LOVE you had for your work. May you children always know how much you LOVE them and treasure the memories you had. May your Husband, children, family and friends and the support and love they need during this difficult time. Enjoy Paradise sweetheart. May one day you be reunited with your family Inshallah xxx
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Mariam Jawed from Walsall wrote on 04/04/2020
Ohh Reema you have left a huge hole in our hearts. I still can't believe you have left us. I miss you so much. No Eid, No gathering, no day is going to be the same without you. May Allah give your parents sabr, Zia, Anaya and Ziyaan Sabr. I love you so much. RIP beloved ๐Ÿ˜ญ
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Khan from Walsall wrote on 04/04/2020
May Allah SWT grant the highest ranks of jannah ameen ๐Ÿ“ฟ
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rebecca from walsall wrote on 04/04/2020
thankyou so much for keeping everyone safe xx my thoughts and prayers are with your family and friends at this difficult time RIP Areema ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
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julie from walsall manor ward 15 wrote on 04/04/2020
Areema you were beautiful inside and out so caring RIP Beautiful Angel you will be so missed x
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Carol France from Wolverhampton University wrote on 04/04/2020
It was a privilege to have been part of your learning journey, as you successfully achieved your nursing degree at Wolverhampton University. I hope that all the lovely words and shared memories expressed in this book, offer some comfort to your family and friends at this difficult time. You will always be in our hearts Areema. Thank you for your dedication. xx
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Tracey from Walsall wrote on 04/04/2020
God rest your soul...gone to soon thinking of your family at such a sad time x
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Tanvir Hamid from Manchester wrote on 04/04/2020
May Allah the most Merciful the most Kind grant you Paradise & thank you for helping those that were not well & trying to make them better.
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Hema from London wrote on 04/04/2020
Heartbreaking news! I knew Areema since high school and had the pleasure of knowing her! We have had many laughs together! We had only spoken a few weeks ago and you were telling me how happy you were at being a nurse! Wherever you are I hope you are happy and not suffering no more! God bless you! Will miss you! Fly high angel! RIP! Sleep tight xxx
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Iqra from Walsall wrote on 04/04/2020
A true hero and inspiration to many others out there. You dedicated your life to care for others and kept them safe and well. Prayers and thoughts with your family especially your children. May Allah grant you the status of a martyr and Grant you the highest rank in Jannat. Ameen
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