Board papers

The Trust Board Meetings – to be held in Public for Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust will now be held jointly with The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust (and vice versa for RWT website)

The 1st meeting of the Joint sitting Trust Board Meeting – to be held in public will be held on Tuesday 16th July 2024.

To observe the meeting you must apply by e-mail or phone (with an e-mail address) to the Group Company Secretary’s Office, no later than the Friday before the scheduled meeting.

If the meeting is being held virtually (via Microsoft Teams) you will need a suitable device on which to view and hear the meeting.  We ask that when you are given entrance to a virtual meeting, that you keep your microphone muted at all times throughout and that you do so in a quiet and private space.  It is a condition of access that you do not record the meeting. Anyone not muting their microphone in a virtual meeting or disturbing the business of the meeting at either a virtual meeting or a meeting held in person, will be removed from the meeting and re-entry denied.  By requesting an invitation to view or attend, you are agreeing to abide by these requirements.  Please bear in mind this is a meeting held in public rather than a public meeting.

Members of the public also have the option to ask any questions they may have to the Board Meeting.  We would ask that any questions for consideration are emailed no less than 24 hours prior to the meeting using the email link  There will be an opportunity at the end of the Trust Board meeting to either go through the question you have submitted or ask about something else, should you wish to do so.  We ask that any questions are relevant to the business of the meeting and the Board – questions regarding complaints, individual care or matters not relevant may not be taken – the Chair’s decision is final in such cases.

Please keep any questions brief and to the point. Responses will either be emailed to you following the meeting or be found in the minutes published in due course.

The meeting packs for the Joint Trust Board meetings will be available on the website at least 3 working days prior to the date of the meeting.

Board papers are published on this page in advance of each meeting.

  • Wednesday 17th April 2024 – 10.00AM – 12.30PM
  • Wednesday 15th May 2024 – 10.00AM – 12.30PM
  • Tuesday 16th July 2024 – 10.00AM – 13.00PM
  • Tuesday 17th September 2024 – time to be confirmed
  • Tuesday 19th November 2024 – time to be confirmed
  • Tuesday 21st January 2025 -time to be confirmed
  • Public Board Papers February 2022   Size: 27.35 MB File type: .pdf
  • Public Board Papers April 2022   Size: 13.83 MB File type: .pdf
  • Public Board Papers June 2022   Size: 21.80 MB File type: .pdf
  • Public Board Papers August 2022   Size: 22.26 MB File type: .pdf
  • Public Board Papers October 2022   Size: 52.11 MB File type: .pdf
  • Public Board Papers December 2022   Size: 30.51 MB File type: .pdf
  • Meeting papers – Download here 

    Presentation Slides – Download here